The Robe of Sonship

  Luke chapter fifteen tells about the son who left home and failed. But he returned to his father. How was he received? The father said, "Bring forth the best robe and put it on him..." Why did he do that? The father identified the wayward but penitent son as "my son."

  Dear Christian friend, we are so blessed to have been given the robe of sonship by our Heavenly Father. This is a spiritual state of salvation from our sins because of Christ. How marvelous it is to know that we can be children of God.

  Let us therefore wear this robe of sonship with humble pride, genuine thanksgiving, in the awareness of our responsibility to never again bring reproach or sorrow to the heart of our Father. Let us understand we do not deserve this robe but by the grace, love and mercy of God, and our coming back to Him, we are identified by Him as "my son."