Are We Good Because We Are Not Bad?

  We can sin by doing what we ought not do and by failing to do what we ought to do. We might find it easier to restrain ourselves from doing what is prohibited, but what of the good things we should do? James 4: 17, "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin." We might ask, "Are we good simply because we are not bad?"

  If that be the case a stature in the park could be called as good as we are. What evil does it do? The Pharisee in Luke eighteen listed all the bad things he did not do but was not justified.

  Not doing evil is a part of being a Christian. It is not the whole thing. There are the "thou shalt" passages that direct us to producing good. These are as important as the others. Seek out a good work today and DO IT!